Saturday, September 19, 2015

One Step Closer

This morning we woke up in Guangzhou, China. It is the third largest city in China, we are getting her passport and Visa. .We had busy morning ahead of us to take Brooklyn for her medical examination. We ate breakfast in the hotel and it was a beautiful sight to see so many American families with adopted children. It looked like a little piece of heaven on earth!! We were told there were about 100 families having medical exams done today so we left early and arrived before they opened. She had to have 3 exams done. ENT, birth weight /height check, physical exam and blood work. During the physical exam 3 different doctors were looking at her scars and asking if she could walk, we tried to get her to walk but she was probably terrified and  wouldn't do it. . Poor baby! I just wanted to scoop her up and protect her! We were so glad to have that behind us! For those of you who don't know her special need is a club foot, she had it corrected when she was 2 months old , we will need to have an orthopedic take a look at her foot when we get home. She also has two scars on the outside of her legs right above her knee caps that are very deep. We were told that her birth family binded her legs together to try and correct her foot. Where she was born this wouldn't be an uncommon thing to do with lack of education. We know her mom loved her enough to leave her on the steps of a Bank to be found and we are beyond grateful she made that choice! She is such a brave little girl to endure so much pain at such a young age! We will have them looked at and make sure its not hindering her muscle growth at all and if something can be done cosmetically as she gets older.

We ate at a  Mexican restaurant named Tequila, I think I will wait for some Mexican till we get home. My stomach didn't get agree with it but Brooklyn did have her first taste of guacamole. I watched her scoop it up with a tortilla chip and said that's my girl!  Then this afternoon we headed out to H&M and Starbucks. So much fun! Good thing Dan was there to keep me on a time schedule and on budget.She has definitely been happier today! She didn't cry when she woke up this morning and has been saying a couple of words. She gets really excited and laughs so loud. We are loving our time with her! Daniel and Nathan have been great helping and entertaining her ;-)

Tomorrow we have a fun filled day plan and I will update tomorrow evening! Thank you for your prayers, with the little bit of communication we are able to have sure makes us want to be home! countdown is on!


1 comment:

  1. The medical visit is the worst! Glad that's over! i think we went to that Mexican restaurant too. It only made me miss real tex mex that much more.. Lol Don't you love Shaiman islands? It's so pretty..and they have a Starbucks:) counting down!


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